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Emergency Veterinary Care

The vets at All Creatures Veterinary Hospital provide emergency veterinary care during regular office hours, 5 days a week, and can refer pet owners to trusted area clinics for after-hours care.

Call (337) 365-9060    After-Hours Emergencies

Daytime Emergency Pet Care

Our vets at All Creatures Veterinary Hospital are here for your pet during regular office hours from Monday to Friday in case of a veterinary emergency. For after-hours care, we refer to trusted area clinics for emergency care for small animals. 

If your pet is experiencing a veterinary emergency during the weekend or in the evening, please contact one of the after-hours emergency animal hospitals noted below.

Contact All Creatures Veterinary Hospital

Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm

Call: (337) 365-9060

After-Hours Veterinary Emergencies

Is your pet experiencing a veterinary emergency outside of our regular office hours? Please contact one of these emergency veterinary hospitals:

Lafayette Animal Emergency Clinic

OPEN: Evenings, Weekends & Holidays

Call: (337) 989-0992


Lafayette Veterinary Care Center

OPEN: Evenings, Weekends & Holidays

Call: (337) 984-7611


LSU — School of Veterinary Medicine

OPEN: Evenings, Weekends & Holidays

Call: (225) 578-9900


Acadiana Equine

OPEN: Evenings, Weekends & Holidays

Call: (337) 407-9555


What is a Veterinary Emergency?

The following situations are examples of emergencies that require immediate care at an emergency vet clinic:

  • Severe bleeding or bleeding that doesn't stop
  • Obvious signs of pain or extreme anxiety
  • Choking, difficulty breathing or continuous coughing/gagging
  • Fractured bones or severe lameness
  • Seizures and/or staggering
  • Bleeding from nose, mouth, rectum, or blood in urine
  • Inability to urinate or pass feces, or pain associated with urinating or passing feces
  • Severe vomiting or diarrhea; 2+ episodes in 24-hours
  • Injuries to the eye(s)
  • Your pet has ingested something poisonous (such as antifreeze, xylitol, chocolate, rodent poison, etc.)
  • Heat stress or heatstroke
  • Refusal to drink for 24 hours or more
  • Unconsciousness

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Welcoming All Creatures in New Iberia

All Creatures Veterinary Hospital is accepting new patients! Get in touch today to book your pet's first appointment.

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